*Fact-check articles, working closely with supervising editors and authors, that will appear in our Spring 2025 issue*Help draft and post content to our social media accounts, and help online staff think creatively about developing new types of narrative-driven content on social media
*Help post articles to our website
*Potentially work on larger projects related to either print or online
The intern will have the chance to experience one complete production cycle of the magazine and will have the opportunity to see how an issue comes together from conception to completion.
Hours and Compensation
The position will be paid a stipend of $4,200 total for 12 weeks of work. Required internship hours are 21 per week (to be decided between intern and supervisor), 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST. The preferred start date is January 6, 2025, but it is flexible.