A message for Phi Beta Kappa Parents

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Your student has been invited by Phi Beta Kappa faculty members on campus to join The Phi Beta Kappa Society. This invitation is the result of your student’s hard work, breadth and depth of study, and academic excellence in the arts and sciences. Phi Beta Kappa has 293 chapters at leading colleges and universities across the country, and only the top 10% of liberal arts juniors and seniors are invited to join each year.

Phi Beta Kappa’s history dates back nearly to our nation’s founding, and now your student will join the ranks of Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, leading scientists and researchers, authors and countless others who have demonstrated their commitment to our motto, “love of learning is the guide of life.”

To accept membership on behalf of your student, please visit our Accept Your Invitation page. You will need the passcode provided in the student's invitation to complete registration.

To learn more about Phi Beta Kappa, explore our website using the links below to get started. Again, our congratulations to you and your student on this remarkable accomplishment!

Image of member Sophie Mori and her family ©2019 MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; photo by Jon Sachs