The Phi Beta Kappa Society Elects New Senators at 47th Triennial Council
WASHINGTON, DC, August 2, 2024 — At the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s 47th Triennial Council in Baltimore, Maryland, delegates have elected fourteen Senators to the Society’s Senate.
Senators serve as a board of trustees who guide the Society on policy matters that are carried out by the national office of Phi Beta Kappa and set the direction for the Society’s future. The term of office is six years. Seven are new to the Phi Beta Kappa Senate. Seven are returning to the Senate for a second term.
The Society welcomes seven new Senators from a wide variety of institutions and fields. They are:
Elizabeth Marshall Anderson, Senior Counsel, Division of Enforcement at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Amy Ferrer, Executive Director, American Philosophical Association
Tara Fischer. Associate Provost for Student Success & Advising, Dickinson College
P. Gabrielle Foreman, Founding Faculty Director, Colored Conventions Project, Digital Black Research/#DigBlk
Robert André LaFleur, Professor of Anthropology & History, Beloit College
Anne McCants, Ann Friedlaender Professor of Economic History, MIT
Pablo Pastrana-Perez, Chair and Associate Professor of Spanish, Western Michigan University
The Society welcomes back seven Senators, elected for a second term:
Bernadine Barnes, Retired Professor of Art History, Wake Forest University
S. Raj Chaudhury, Executive Director, Innovation in Learning Center and USA Online, University of South Alabama
John Harkless, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Howard University
Jennifer Lewton-Yates, Assistant Dean for Student Success and Assistant Professor of Classics, Millsaps College
Kathleen McGarry, Professor of Economics, UCLA
Steven J. Miller, Professor of Mathematics, Williams College
Pamela Trotman Reid, Senior Scholar, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute
Wayne State University
“We are grateful to have such a committed and diverse group of individuals willing to volunteer their time and expertise as Senators,” said Phi Beta Kappa Secretary and CEO Frederick M. Lawrence. “Their varied perspectives and dedication to the liberal arts and sciences will be invaluable as we continue to advance our mission and foster free expression. I am eager to collaborate with our newly elected and returning Senators to guide the future of Phi Beta Kappa as we look forward to our 250th anniversary in 2026."
About The Phi Beta Kappa Society
Founded on Dec. 5, 1776, The Phi Beta Kappa Society is the nation's most prestigious academic honor society. It has chapters at over 290 colleges and universities in the United States and nearly 50 alumni associations, and more than half a million members worldwide. Noteworthy members include 17 U.S. Presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices and more than 150 Nobel Laureates. The mission of The Phi Beta Kappa Society is to champion education in the liberal arts and sciences, foster freedom of thought, and recognize academic excellence. For more information, visit