Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel

Lecture Topics
Illinois College
Creighton University
Roanoke College

Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel

Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel is the Marta S. Weeks Chair in Latin American Studies at the University of Miami.

Professor Martínez-San Miguel received her BA from the University of Puerto Rico and her MA and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of four books on Colonial Latin American and contemporary Caribbean studies, including Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Colonial Migrations in a Pan-Caribbean Context (2014). Her co-edited anthologies include: Critical Terms in Caribbean and Latin American Thought (2016) and Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/Homo Normativities (2016). She is co-editing an anthology titled “Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking: Towards New Comparative Methodologies and Disciplinary Formations” and working on her fifth book project, Archipiélagos de ultramar: Rethinking Colonial and Caribbean Studies, which uses comparative archipelagic studies as a historical and theoretical framework to study literary, visual and cultural productions in the Caribbean and Pacific between 1498 and 2010.

Professor Martínez-San Miguel is the 2020-2021 Frank M. Updike Memorial Scholar.